Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Middle of the Forest

He stands high in the middle of the forest,
Last light of the sun fades,
On the trees and there he grows taller and taller.

All alone he listens to the
Bird song – Blue and white birds sing
On the treetops, inside the coves.

The stream also starts singing
And the young moon dances to the tune
With the white clouds.

And he grows and grows
With the breeze that blows across the ocean
Bringing along the sweet smell
From the alien land.


  1. I like this poem. Has an Earthly charm.

  2. Indranil,

    Every time I see a new post, a new poem, I wonder how it is that we didn't have all the girls in our class falling over each other to become the subject of your compositions.!!!

    Amazing ! Keep it coming. -Gautam

  3. Thanks Gautam! Thanks for your encouragement. If you keepon doing this may be someday I shall end up being something.
    You are not showing up these days. Why so?
